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If your dental practitioner has recommended dental implants, your next question probably relates to how much they are going to cost you. When researching the price of dental implant surgery, it’s important to take their lifespan into account, as well as the complexity of the procedure to replace your missing tooth. Let’s try to answer the question of ‘how much are dental implants?’ Discover more


Understanding Dental Implant Surgery

Having dental implants is a process that takes place over a protracted period of time. Dental implant procedures are divided into smaller stages because after each mini surgery, your body needs a chance to heal and recover. You cannot move on to the next stage unless you are fully healed.



When you are presented with your dental implant cost, you will be given a total. The cost estimate of your tooth implant surgery will incorporate

  • Your consultation, where your dental practitioner will physically examine your mouth, take digital photographs and x-rays
  • The cost of your dental implant, abutment and dental crown
  • The cost of surgically placing the tooth implant, abutment and dental crown, which is contingent on the complexity of your procedure
  • The cost of the temporary crown that needs to be placed after the abutment
  • Any follow up consultations that might be required
  • Whether you need any additional treatments such as bone grafting or tooth extractions

It’s important to remember that this is a total cost, which covers the duration of your treatment and that might extend to between nine and 18 months.


How Much Are Dental Implants?

As you can see above the cost of the dental implant is just one small portion of a bigger procedure. And, it’s nearly impossible to give anyone a quotation without a consultation, because every patient’s case is different and each patient has different risk factors.

price of tooth implant woononaBecause we are inundated with questions related to how much are dental implants, we did some of our own research and are able to give you some ballpark figures. Remember that any pricing needs to be confirmed by your dental practitioner as is merely stated as a guideline.

According to’s Annual Dental Fee Survey from 2020, a price range of $3000 to $5500 per dental implant is provided. This figure is for a straightforward procedure and doesn’t include the cost of a bone graft or tooth extraction. provides an upper price range of $5800 to $7300 per tooth should you require tooth extraction before your dental implants are placed.


Are Dental Implants Worth It?

With proper dental care, dental implants may last for the rest of your lifetime. They should not need to be replaced on a regular basis like dentures, so when you are deciding if the cost is worth your investment, you’d need to compare it with multiple pairs of dentures (and the consultation fees) to see what kind of long term saving you can expect.

Still want to know ‘how much are dental implants’? The most accurate way to find out is to book an appointment and have a thorough consultation with a professional. Please contact us to make a convenient appointment: (02) 4210 9078.




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