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If you’ve found this post, you’ve probably been searching for toothache relief tips, which we will help you with. But, unlike many other body aches that come and go, a toothache is generally a symptom of another problem and needs to be addressed by your dentist. While the tips we provide may give you temporary relief, they are not intended to be considered treatments. In this post, we are going to give you some ideas on how to get rid of toothache, but if you suspect you have a dental emergency, please call our emergency dentist urgently on (02) 4208 0638.


What Causes Toothache?

Toothache is usually the result of an irritated tooth nerve. Some of the most common factors that cause this irritation include tooth decay, infection, and injury. In some cases, a toothache is the result of a loose or lost filling that needs to be replaced.


In order to provide long-term toothache relief, the root cause of the problem needs to be diagnosed and treated by your dentist.


When Is Toothache A Dental Emergency?

Sometimes a toothache is a dental emergency. You should contact your emergency dentist if:

  • You are bleeding from your mouth and can’t stop the bleeding
  • Your toothache interferes with your day-to-day activities or stops you from sleeping
  • Your toothache is accompanied by a fever
  • You have toothache as well as swelling in your jaw
  • Taking over-the-counter medication does not give you toothache relief


How To Get Rid Of Toothache: Toothache Relief Tips

The only way to address toothache thoroughly is to visit your dentist so the cause of the pain can be established and treated. If your tooth nerve is irritated because of dental decay, the decayed matter must be cleaned up, and the cavity needs to be filled.

If the pain is a symptom of an infection, the infection needs to be treated. You may need antibiotics or a root canal treatment.

If you are sure you are not going through a dental emergency or you are waiting for an appointment with your emergency dentist, you can try:


Gently brushing and flossing the area

Sometimes trapped food particles or debris can exacerbate an area of irritation. Try to brush or floss the affected tooth gently. You can also try rinsing your mouth with warm saline or hydrogen peroxide solution to clean it out. 


get rid of toothache woononaPropping your head up above your heart

If toothache has woken you in the middle of the night and you can’t sleep, it could be because blood is pooling in your head, amplifying the pain.

Elevating your head on a few pillows might help.


Cloves may help

Cloves have been used for toothache relief for centuries as they are a natural antiseptic and can reduce inflammation. You can dab some diluted clove oil on a cotton ball or add a few drops to some water to make a mouthwash.


For assistance with a dental emergency or for professional insight on how to get rid of toothache, please call us right away: (02) 4208 0638.




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